Thursday, February 7, 2008

Clinton and feminism

Extremely bored. Two hours of Clin Path on Thursday is waaaaaaaaay too much. I thought I would better use my time blogging.

So, this really fun blog I read, called The Book Bitches, posted about how some people accuse Hillary Clinton of setting back feminism because she stayed with Bill, and then mentioned an interesting idea (from someone else) that the slowing of the feminism movement was actually the result of women tearing down the same women they fought with for the right to improve their lives.

I completely agree with the theory. Women are the worst critics of other women. We are jealous of how other women look, what they do, what they wear; why would level of success be any different? The responses to the post had typical "I'm not a feminist, so..." and "I'm a feminist, so..." posts, and it just irked me. What is a feminist? People are so afraid of the word because they don't want to be thought of as a bra-burning ball-busting bitch. That is not what feminism is. I posted a response saying so. It will be interesting to see how/if the "I'm not a feminist" crowd responds.

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