Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blog for Choice 2008 - Why I vote Pro-Choice

Crap, I've been too busy with school again. I missed this year's Blog for Choice topic by a day, but I'm doing it anyway.

Why do I vote pro-choice?

-The only reasons to vote against it that I can see are religious or misogynistic in nature, and neither of those belongs in government (although they inarguably are).

-Sometimes women are put in a situation that, no matter how careful they are, they did not plan on. To force a woman to carry an unwanted child to term is a massive violation of individual rights.

-There are already enough unwanted children in the world.

-I myself have made the choice to have an abortion. I was 19, and I am still with the...well, sperm donor, and I was on birth control. It was not the right time in my life for that kind of responsibility (and yes, I've heard the argument that you choose to be responsible when you have sex, but let's face it...lots of people have sex who have no business being parents).

-To limit abortion rights would only create an environment for very unsafe abortions. With the current trend in sex education young women need the right to choose now more than ever. Perhaps if they were being taught safe sex procedures rather than abstinence we could limit the number of abortions needed.

I'm sure I could think of more, but I should really be using my lunch break to do something productive and school-related.

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