Sunday, January 27, 2008

I am "unchristian" and "unmoral"...

The following questionnaire was apparently a "science" project that a 6th grade student turned in. The teacher was very religious and accepted it. This in itself is very scary. I thought I would go ahead and answer his questions to see how moral I am.

Question: Do unchristians make less moral choices than Christians?

Hypothesis: The Bible is the perfect guide to life that shows us how to be moral people. Without believing in the Bible you can’t know God and he can’t guide you and give you rewards for being a good person. I think people who aren’t Christian will be less successful.

Experiment: I will interview thirty people and ask them if they are Christian. I will give them the same questions so I have a control sample. I think they are immoral if they score lower than 15.
Questions I will ask. There are 20 points available.

  1. Have you ever spoke the name of our Lord in vain? - I use Jesus Fucking Christ pretty regularly, so yeah.
  2. Have you ever killed another human being? - No, but there are plenty of scenarios I can imagine where I would be willing to.
  3. Have you every lied? - More than I would admit to.
  4. Have you ever had [sexual] relations before marriage? - Anybody who gets married without knowing they're going to have decent sex is asking for trouble.
  5. Do you go to church every Sunday or once a week? - I have better things to sleep.
  6. Do you wish you had more stuff? - I have lots of "stuff" that I want. Money is the only issue.
  7. Do you gossip? - I'm in vet school, which is like high school v2.0. It's all we do.
  8. Do you give to charity? - A little, and only to organizations Christians like this kid think will burn in hell.
  9. Do you listen to rap or heavy metal music? - I've been known to.
  10. Have you ever had an abortion or been pro-choice? - Yes to both.
  11. Have you ever read Harry Potter or Spiderwick Chronicles or the Golden Compass? - This has to be the best question in this "scientific" survey. Holy shit. This kid's parents are blinding him to a whole world of fiction. Yes, no, and yes.
  12. Do you see movies with unwholesome content? - I don't watch straight-up porn, but yeah.
  13. Do you pray every day? - I honestly can't remember the last time I prayed and meant it.
  14. Do you believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth? - I believe it was an accidental collision of the right elements.
  15. Are you overweight because you eat too much? - Yes, and it's because I don't believe in god.
  16. Do you take pride in accomplishments other than service to God? - Nothing I do is in service to god, so anything I take pride in is inherently not in service to god.
  17. Do you put God and Jesus first? -First for what? In line for picture day?
  18. Do you view pornography? - No, but some of what I read could probably be considered porn. It's fun. You should try it sometime.
  19. Do you practice temperance in every thing you do? - No. I in fact often act before I consider the consequences.
  20. Are you quick to anger? - Yes, and what gets me fired up the most is belief in something intangible to the point that it shapes how you treat those who are different or don't share your beliefs.

Religion can be used to teach children to treat others with kindness, to accept people as they are. It can also be used to teach abominable prejudice, and that it is okay to ostracize those who do not follow your religious code. I'm cool with the former and absolutely not cool with the latter. Unfortunately, the latter are by far the more vocal majority. This poor kid is going to grow up and teach the same intolerance to his kids unless he learns to think for himself.


Anna said...

Wow... where the hell did you find this?! I was sort of following the questions (sort of!) until I got to the "do you listen to rap or heavy metal music" and then I realized this person was totally off the deep end. I guess I'm a pretty bad Catholic because I haven't read the Bible, but I'm fairly certain that it never mentions Rap as immoral. I have discussed the Bible with Marcie, who has read it about 40 times and she says it never even mentions pre-marital sex, only adultery. I really like that the second questions is "have you ever killed another human being". I'm sure since you are an atheist that you're just out there killing people. I know this kid was only in 6th grade, but his science and experiment skills are highly lacking. I'm going to assume this whole thing was a joke someone put on the internet because it will help me sleep better at night. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

I traced it back to what I believe is the original blog (there's an atheist blog ring, ha) and the teacher was a friend of this woman who showed it to her to see what her opinion was regarding the scientific merit of the "experiment". Of course, you can tell people anything on the internet, so if you feel better believing it's fake by all means go ahead. :)