Monday, March 3, 2008


To continue the discussion of poor class structure this year, I present Item B:

We had an assignment due today in Animal Behavior. It is worth 50 points out of a total 100 points in the class. It was a behavior case work-up, fairly straight-forward. The instructor told us to exchange with our neighbor, and our grade will be determined by their critique and assignment of points. It makes perfect sense, because we are all behavior experts having taken a half semester of a course on it. Even better, we have to write up a summary of our critique, and the person whose grade we determined gets to grade our critique.

At this point I turned to Kimberly and said, "And then I get to critique your critique of my critique."

Utter insanity.

1 comment:

Shoshana said...'s like what my husband's best friend used to say.

'Please remind me to remind you to remind me that I should remind you.'

Yup, that's like your class assignment.

You mean you get to blog in the middle of your class? I didn't even know computer for online thingy until I finished my school in 1999.

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