Sunday, February 3, 2008

And now, for your viewing pleasure

I've been enjoying a new online comic. I should have been studying for Wednesday's Virology test, but instead I watched the game, am now watching House while laughing at these, and will go to bed afterwards. Here are a few of the better comics (if you click on them they open full-size):

And now, my all-time favorite:

I could have died laughing at this last one. Oh, man...


Anna said...

I feel pretty dumb... I had to stare at the second one for a couple minutes before I finally got it. How sad considering I'm a microbiologist...

once I got it though, it was hilarious!

can you tell that I'm avoiding work/studying by reading your blog?

Carrie said...

I did get a sense of that, yes. :)

It looked deceptively not icy this morning before I took Kaya out and learned the truth. There is this thin layer on everything...driving should be fun.