Pretty much if it's an adult high on the limb they're going to die. This just reinforces my opinion that horses are a giant pain in the ass. I would much rather have spent my time thinking about this:

Haha, just kidding KP. (Although really, you know I'm not...)
I've also discovered that our Path teacher:

COMPLETELY reminds me of Beverley Leslie from Will & Grace (aside from the fact that he's married and presumably not gay): (Sorry, too dumb to figure out how to embed...)
And this is the sum total of my morning. I have been doing a really horrible job with keeping up with studying. Our first exams are next week: Path Monday and Parasit Tuesday, and I'm now starting to freak out. I'd say it's probably time to get caught up on Path reading...
I don't know why I'm having so much trouble getting kick-started this semester. I can't even count the number of nights I've done nothing for school...bad student, very bad. I'd just rather watch TV or read for fun than do all the school stuff. I'm beginning to think part of it may be an overwhelming fear because I know this semester is the most difficult one and I already had enough trouble last time. Putting things off isn't going to help, though! Tonight, I shall read a chapter of Path.
On a final side note, I adore the smell of fall. I took Kaya for a walk yesterday evening, and I caught the first hints of autumn in the air. It brought to mind fallen leaves and pumpkin patches. I know a lot of people experience depression with the changing seasons, but fall is always very uplifting for me.
I think I'd rather think about Brad Pitt than do almost anything. But maybe that's just me. :-P
Does your path teacher act like Beverley or just sort of look like him? I think Beverley is hilarious and I'd be willing to make a trip to Ames to sit through your path class if he acts the same.
Don't freak out! Just stay calm and study hard. :-D
I smelled fall this past weekend while I was running! I hope fall actually lasts longer than a week this year. I would like to enjoy it for once.
He does act a lot like Beverley. He's very flamboyant in his way of speaking and he's got this rather high-pitched Southern accent. It makes learning pathologic diseases of the _____ system much more enjoyable! Plus, he's actually a very good teacher. :)
Time to go figure out my top differentials for a dog with pyoderma and otitis externa...this is actually very good practice for the future but as it turns out unknowns get tiring after a while when it's not the only thing you're doing. :P
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