Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sebastian is home!!!

I haven't been this happy for a long time. When I picked him up, it was actually my kitty that I was taking home! Before, he was so lethargic it was like a different cat, but his personality is back! I let him out of the carrier in the car on the way home and he spent most of the trip in my lap meowing happily at me.

When I got home, and Moggie saw him, she followed him around like she couldn't believe he was back. She definitely missed him.

He's been cleaning himself excessively--I think to get the hospital stink off of his fur.

I won't totally relax until we finish his meds in a couple of weeks and he's totally back to normal, but I'm feeling so much better now that he is.

1 comment:

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hi Carrie!

I'm so glad your kitties are ok!! I'm a huge cat fan too and we have a rescued cat ourselves. Your blog is really cool! Sorry you are hating "research"........LOL, sooo glad all those days are behind me!! Take care and stay on plan hun!!
