Thursday, March 20, 2008

Some break!!

Saturday and Sunday I was in Decorah for Juj's awesome Junior recital. Monday and Tuesday I was in Illinois for more Kaya tooth work (she finally gets her crown next Thursday, woo!). Yesterday I spent 3 1/2 hours in Des Moines dropping my resume off at clinics, and then worked on my "vaccine brochure" for Public Health in the afternoon. Today I had plans to get more work done, but I finally had to say ENOUGH! I need a break!

I had to turn down a job today. The clinic was only offering 20 hours a week, and they wanted me as a straight receptionist. I had plenty of experience doing that in undergrad. Now that I'm halfway through vet school I need to spend more time with the vets helping with exams and surgeries. Otherwise, what's the point of me even being in a clinic for the summer?

Juj is coming to visit tonight, and she's staying until Sunday morning! This gives me the perfect excuse to completely put off anything remotely school-related. I'm sure when I eventually get around to it I'll bitch and moan about not having done it sooner, but I don't care. It's break!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I know exactly what you mean about break! I've still been working in lab all week. I had a presentation (which I think went okay, it's always hard to tell) plus I had to sit through 3.5 hours of other people's presentations - please kill me now! I have an exam in other class I'm taking on Monday which I really haven't started studying for so that's completely stressing me out. And did I mention that it's 7:30pm and I'm writing this at work because I'm still finishing up some stuff? This is not a break at all!