Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday, Games, & Bad Breath

Woke up at noon to find myself alone in bed. Kyle passed out at 6 on the couch after playing games all night. He moved into the bed and got up at 4. All in all, a typical Sunday.

Even though I haven't finished NWN2, I've started The Witcher, which is a great game. The only problem is it crashes at very inopportune moments, such as immediately after beating a difficult boss before I've had a chance to save, leading me to quit in disgust. I doubt I'll finish it before school starts.

I'm calling the vet tomorrow to talk about Loki's nasty breath. When he was teething I was willing to let it go as possibly normal, but he's done now and he has gingivitis, which isn't normal for his age. I'm not really sure what they can do--maybe swab his mouth?--but it would be nice if something could be done. It doesn't seem to bother him but it can't be healthy.

I really have nothing else to say since it's still break and I've been vegging and ignoring real life as much as possible. I will mention that I'm glad the caucus is over so I'll stop getting 5 calls a day from the Dems...until the fall, that is.

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