Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Powerpoint Power Trip

We have a new lecturer for Path. A while ago on Facebook I posted a video of a guy talking about all the things you shouldn't do in Powerpoint lectures. This guy is pretty much doing all of them. Tons of info on the slides, rushing through things (to the point of skipping entire slides), assuming we know things we haven't learned yet. He also doesn't answer questions, saying things like "We'll get to that later" rather than explain something. K emailed him after class Monday asking him to slow down and answer questions, and at the beginning of lecture today he said he would do these things and then proceeded to lecture the exact same way. Plus, I just cannot stand the organization of the lectures. Our two previous teachers would start a section with basic information, move onto pathologic lesions you see, and then end with specific disease processes be species. In other words, they were ordered in a common sense manner. This guy jumped right into specific diseases and hasn't looked back.

So, I've been sitting here playing Scrabble and browsing. I don't think I'll be going anymore...maybe I can read the book when I'm supposed to be in lecture. I think I'd get more out of that.

Viva la revolucion!

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