Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Pros And Cons List

-Sabriel is FeLV negative
-Her temp was under 104 last I checked
-She ate a little a/d, a couple bits of chicken, and some tuna
-We got fluids in her and she's urinating
-She's on Baytril and hopefully it will work
-She seems a little more lively today

-She's still constipated and really needs to poop within the next day
-She's on Baytril, which is bad for young animals and won't even work if it's not a bacterial infection
-She hasn't been interested in drinking
-If it's not a bacterial infection we're screwed
-Last I checked Bush was still president and was in fact giving the State of the Union address and pretending he likes Nancy Pelosi

I just threw that last one in to keep you on your toes. We'll know in the next few days if Sabriel's getting any better. $360 in the hole and counting but it's worth it. Keep your fingers crossed.

Mood: cautiously optimistic
Music: Bush's sonorous voice

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