Friday, June 22, 2007

Die, Research, Die!

I hate my summer job. It is f***ing terrible. It's not anywhere near worth the chunk of money I'm getting to do it. I cannot wait to fill out evaluations at the end of the summer. This has made me hate research to the point that I want to ban all research. It might have actually been better if I was plopped in a lab somewhere than what I'm doing. Maybe I wouldn't want to stab my coordinator if that were the case.


Anna said...

Don't ban all research! You trying to put me out of a job?!

What's wrong? Why does your research suck so much?

Carrie said...

It's mostly a problem of the project coordinator having a major lack of planning issue, so things that could have been accomplished in a timely manner get pushed on us in the last minute. Oh, and the fact that I'm going to be getting up at 6:45 to go to work (SO not a morning person), do the two shelters thing, then come back and enter data until late afternoon every single day until July 18th. I'm guessing it's going to be about 60 hours a week. Which a lot of people work normally, so I guess I can't really bitch about that. Then there's the whole week and a half to analyze data and put together a poster while my coordinator is going to be out of town thing...yeah. Oh, and we (meaning I) have to put together a report for each shelter with observations and recommendations.

I know I had an easy start to the summer but I am more than earning my money now, and I talked to another kid in the program that works 12 hours a week. I think if I were to do something like this again (a BIG if) I would be more careful in my project selection.

And I'm sorry, I don't hate research. Research gives us many wonderful new observations and ideas. I just hate doing it myself!